
Squeezing in a post

Hello all! I actually have a moment to sit and jot a bit, so I decided to jot on my blog. Just so my readers (if there are any) understand...I don't write on my blog very frequently because I choose instead to do other things... Lately I have chosen to do artwork. I have been working on/pondering over an unfinished painting for about 2 years now. Well just the other night, I was staring blankly at the 36"x36" canvas and a lightbulb in my head came on and I figured out what to do to it...maybe I will post pictures when I have completed it for all to see.

I am also taking a printmaking class on Tuesday evenings. I LOVE IT and can't get enough of it. I constantly have ideas shooting around in head of prints to make/ design. I pulled two monoprints last night with beetles on them- no, not the band/group, the bug/insect. I usually don't love my work, but I really like the beetle prints...I can for once say that I am happy with it. I will try to post some images soon...

Are you working on a special project or taking a fun class right now? Or if not taking a class, what are you doing to improve/challenge yourself in some way?


Please Check these Out and PRAY BIG

Hello snowbirds! (it just snowed today in Atlanta, where I live)!

I have just added two more blog addresses to "My Peeps"... please check them out!
They are similar in that both stories are miracles...medical miracles... and even more so, JESUS MIRACLES!... if you haven't heard the news lately, HE is performing miracles daily!!!!

One is about a Mom, whose daughter is one of my sweetest friends... she has cancer and is a more-than-one-time survivor of this horrible disease... please pray BIG for her and her family.... check out their blog @ http://underwoods.wordpress.com

The other is about a Mom and Daughter, a Dad and Husband... I do not know these people at all personally...however I do feel like I know them because they are brothers and sister in Christ. Theirs is a sweet story...sad too... very complicated even, but completely covered by Jesus. Please read and PRAY BIG, even HUGE for this new family and their hurdles...cystic fibrosis, premature birth, double-lung transplant, etc... read their story/blog @ http://cfhusband.blogspot.com

Your life will truly be touched and you will be so thankful for everything!


It's about time...

I know, I know... I haven't written on here in a long time... but now I actually have something to write about, instead of just running off at the mouth with nonsense!
Well today was the official start of my 1/2 marathon training. I only had to run 5 miles- 3 of those miles had to be at a 10:01/mile pace. Drumroll please.............. I did it! Hooray!

Also I am starting a Printmaking Art Class tomorrow! I can't wait! It has been so long since I was able or interested in taking an art class instead of teaching one myself. Maybe in the next few weeks I will post some of my "monoprints". We will actually be making monoprints in the class.

Hopefully I'll make something worth posting!