

I just realized that it has been almost a month since I posted on here. Wow! Well, today I have been purging my condo of stuff... Stuff that is taking up room, stuff that I do not need, stuff like Real Simple magazines from 2005- seriously- planned to use them for art projects and never have, so therefore I recycled them! Wooo- Hooo! I love purging! Gotta go! Now it is time to shread sensitive papers, dust, reorganize and clean...unless I decide I am too tired of purging and need to paint or do some art. :)

Do any of you like to purge stuff in your house? How often do you do it?



I just finished two paintings after being given the words "thought" and "soul". I really enjoyed the process of taking a word and researching it and all of its meanings. Then taking what research I found and pulverizing it with my creativity to get a piece of work that I actually for once liked. So if you have any good words you would like to share as a possibility for a painting, just post them here...