
You know how you always....

...refer to your best buds at work???? I always catch myself saying "well I have this friend at work (add name)..." or "this is (add name)- she's/he's a friend from work". Well I do have a "friend from work", actually I have lots of friends from work... anyway...

I have this friend from work and her name is Jill...and well...I miss her lots- because she is on vacation this week and not in the office...and well I miss her! (Just to clarify...Jill is not only my "friend at work", but she is my friend in everyday life- the good. the bad, and the very ugly.) We also both love Grey's Anatomy, the Olympics, Starbucks fancy coffees, classical music, PD, designer jeans, football, running, and target...among other weirdo things. Jilly- I miss you girl! See you soon!



Guess what? Guess What? University of Georgia baseball team just beat Georgia Tech at Turner Field!!! WOOOOOO-HOOOOO! It's the 1st time this season the DAWGS have beat Tech! Hooray! Can't wait for football season- we'll just call that blog season too! Just wait... there will be lots of comments about football! I might even start a little poll or trivia or something! Are you a football fan...college or professional?

Twit, Twit, TWITTER...???

Hey ya'll! At Buckhead Church, where I work, twittering is all the rage right now. Yes I have set up a Twitter account, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think I like to be incognito...and my life is really kind of boring right now...nothing exciting to update. It's kind of the same reason I have trouble coming up with things to post on here... either I've forgotten about it by the time I am ready to write...or I just don't have anything that anyone else would be interested in reading.

What do you think of twitter? Do you TWITTER?